By Peter C. - 22/01/2011 05:53 - United States

Today, my friends and I were messing around with an app on my phone that makes your picture look fat. My picture looked the same before and after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 230
You deserved it 10 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well stop complaining and lose weight if you dont like your weight... god its not like its impossible for you to hit the tredmil TAKE ACTION


kellbelle032398 0

I'm sorry OP, (btw wut does OP even stand for?) if u were using fatbooth, I'm sure u just lined up the lil markers wrong. and if u r concerned bout ur weight, diet and exercise will help. :) don't feel bad

sallen0046 4

So what you're saying is that you needed a phone app to tell you you're overweight? It's your own fault for thinking doing something as ridiculous and immature as making a photo of yourself fat qualifies as a form of entertainment.

OP = Overweight Person (in this instance) otherwise it's Original Poster ;)

LOOOL. I was just talking with a friend about how funny that would be. you are the victim of a sad coincidence.

SpRiTzSpLaSh 7

LOL how is that possible?. My "overweight" friend used that app and it gave her a few extra fat and chins . I'm sure the OP posted this FML just to get some sympathy orrr... hm.

I am 5'7" 265 pounds. I started working out with a couple buddies. I literally had forgotten how much fun exercise was. I want to get down to 210 pounds by August. If I can do it, so can you.