By Peter C. - 22/01/2011 05:53 - United States

Today, my friends and I were messing around with an app on my phone that makes your picture look fat. My picture looked the same before and after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 230
You deserved it 10 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well stop complaining and lose weight if you dont like your weight... god its not like its impossible for you to hit the tredmil TAKE ACTION


donkeyshlong420 0

Not really THAT hard... Excercise, and cut 500 calories out of your daily diet. How is that so hard?

That's right, #39, television 'reality' shows are definitely a credible source.

slushpup9696 12

50 I was just about to say that. On these reality TV shows where people lose weight, they generally gain it all back in a few weeks. Losing weight isn't something where you can just hop on a treadmill, it's a complete lifestyle change.

An FML just like this one was posted awhile back...

Simply cutting 500 calories out of your diet isn't a very good method. In my humble opinion, nutrition intake is more important than calorie intake. Who cares if you eat a bit too much as long as you've gotten all your nutrients? It's better than under eating and not getting enough. That, in my opinion, is more gross and unhealthy.

I'm not surprised. Anybody whose lives truly do suck can't afford a computer to bitch online with.