By Random737193 - 07/05/2015 19:52 - United States - Haddonfield

Today, my girlfriend and I somehow got into the conversation of what the weirdest thing we have ever found in food was. She said she found paper in her fortune cookie; she was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 180
You deserved it 3 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I found ham between some bread once"

One time I found a stripper in my cake. So delicious; the cake was alright I guess.


Ooh! Ask her if she ever found candy between a plastic wrapper

cutiepie292929 18

She could have been from somewhere that don't have fortune cookies

LostInTheZone11 29

The gates are down and the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming.

Did it say 'get a brain cell' in mandating... I'm sorry I'm sorry, it was irresistible. Hope now she knows those are born with a paper inside.

Redgy22 26

Hope she is at least pretty to look at...

I found peanut butter and jelly in a pb&j sandwich once. O.o I sent it back.