By lez probs - 18/05/2013 12:54 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were about to have sex for the first time when her mother unexpectedly came home. In the rush to get dressed, we accidentally put on each other's shirts. Her mom noticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 539
You deserved it 21 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

narkill 13

Ah, young love. A delightfully terrifying thing.

I'm curious as to what happened, afterwards. That really sucks, though. FYL.


meherm 11

Wait if you guys are lesbians why should it matter your shirts were switched...girls like to try on each others clothes regardless.

When I was growing up, my sisters used to share clothes all the time. Maybe you could play it off as just trading clothes for the day.

Too good to say anything else. This is unfortunate but awesome. Hopefully, you were both able to come up with something clever like saying unanimously, "Her shirt fits me better."

See, moms know. It doesn't matter what you wear or if you were nekid. One look at your faces and she'll see the "smile in the eyes" and most certainly a decreasing bulge in pants.

Ha you got busted for something you didn't even do

That sounds just like a cartoon. I could even visualize the facial expressions.

I wear the shirts of people I'm dating all the time. Couldn't you have told her you just thought it would be cute?