By tony456 - 11/07/2011 21:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were making out while she was laying on me. Her little brother walked in, saw us and yelled, "Mom they're swallowing each other!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 731
You deserved it 24 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments


LMFAO, that should be on Seriously Funny Kids :) you deserved it buddy.

niiice, that coulda been interpreted in many different ways

that's actually kinda funny. that's a funny kid

cheypie97 0

omg lmao that's funny the same thing happend to me except I'm a girl and was makeing out with my boyfriend on top of him and my little brother came in and said mommy he's eating her!

alyssalynda 0

you two must be really sucky kissers.

what the hell in the world would make idiots understand " lock the ******* door"

The same thing that makes other idiots not realize that some people's parents don't let them have locks at all/don't let them close their doors when they're in a bedroom with a boyfriend/girlfriend.

ayooBrandon 12

what's she gonna she when she really is swallowing