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By dummy - 11/07/2011 19:21 - United States

Today, while babysitting a five year-old, I found a cartoon called Metalocalypse for him to watch while I made dinner. I didn't realize it was an "adult" cartoon until afterwards. He watched a whole episode about a clown with a cocaine problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 626
You deserved it 58 160

Same thing different taste

Today, I was babysitting my niece and let her watch cartoons on YouTube while I cooked dinner. She screamed as I was cutting up carrots and I cut myself. She had turned on an episode of Happy Tree Friends and was now crying and wouldn't stop. My brother thumped me for not watching her. I now have a cut hand and black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 309
You deserved it 520

Pecking order of shame

By We're men! We don't grow up, we just grow old. - 24/09/2023 02:00 - Philippines - Makati City

Today, a noisy little kid in the bus seated behind me asked his mom loudly, "Why is that big man watching cartoons for girls?" Me and the guy next to me, who too was watching on his phone, paused for a bit. He smirked, shaking his head, laughing under his breath. He was watching anime; I was watching My Little Pony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 204
You deserved it 964

Top comments

crotchpheasant 0

I'm dr roxxo the rock and roll clown! I do c-c-c-cocaine! let's go get some ice c-c-c-cream and hookersss! yeahhh! this is what that kid got to hear.let's hope he doesnt ask for a hooker next time they take him for ice cream hahaha


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Metalocalypse is in the 'adult swim' section On Demand, how did you manage to **** that one up?

OP forgot to mention that she was actually high as she put the cartoon on.

aprilmayjune93 0

He's getting to learn about life alot sooner. So how did the clown do with he's addiction.

Yeah or you know just watch the show first...

A much easier method is "pay attention once in a while." A show doesn't have to be completely watered down to the point of having no entertainment value in order to be good for kids. The guardian just needs to pay enough attention to be able to decide if it's something the kid can handle at his or her age.

lcecreamNSadness 2

Now playing:Metalocalypse Next Show: Hentai YDI for Stereotyping.

jackiemoonthepro 5
skizzlerz 0

jeez I can barely pronounce the name of the freaking show. Gahhhh tongue twister!!!

Thunderbender 2

I've never seen Metalocaplypse but even I know it's an adult cartoon...

I can play every Dethklok song on my electric, they're ******* awesome! Brendon Small is a genius! Great rhythm, great solos etc, and the show rocks!! I DO COCAINE!! KEKEKE YEAH!

I don't think that was a cartoon. She was just really messed up.

dinodannyrawr 5

chocolate candy :)). BRING IT BITCH!!


if you knew what happened in the show you obviously had to be watching it yourself.

At least you didn't make her see brokeback mountain.

MY NAME IS WILLIAM MURDERFACE MURDERFACE MURDERFACE Unrelatedly, hey Skvisgar I'm gettin a handjob from your mom!

dr rockso the Rock n roll clown... I DO COCAINE

OH! Awesome! Next put on 'Super Jail.' The kid'll love it. Pretty colors! XD

DruidForLife 0

it's on cartoon network in the afternoons.

Reference for the future;; Get nothing that ends in 'ocalypse'. Did it not have a rating on it?

D11Churchkill 8

his name is Dr. Rockzo. he'd a rock n roll clown. he does cocaine. that's all we know.

Tobias5505 0

let's have a rage face party

Sat least he knows not to go to clown collage

rallets 22

yea a "collage" about clowns would be too much

richard121212 0

but wait... how would she know it was about a clown with a cocaine problem if she wasn't watching?

damn right they are they watch kickass shows about kickass metal bands DETHKLOK!!!

marijuanasmoker4 3

My names Dr.Rockzo, and I do cocaaaaiiinnee!!!

iEatGuppies 0

you probably couldn't get accepted into clown "collage" with your spelling.

and you probably will get accepted to who gives a sh*t collage, you troll

I made a clown collage once. It scared small children ):

I bet the kid didn't know what was going on, but i would be more cautious next time!

crizzy101 5

136, so true! ( T_T)?(^-^ )

190- Dont juge peepal beecaus they kant spel. Im a clon and i kant spel. beesides, he mait be fanny. lol dont take it seriously, i was trying to be funny. i know i know, my dry wit, sense of humour and charming demeanor might be unacustomed at first, but you'll get used to it. :D

*might be hard to get acustomed to at first. Stupid little grammar error, God forgives me, so should you lol

Drummerboy1234 0

#43 - people like you make me want to ouch things. COLLEGE.

samadams42 0

i love that show an im from new hampshire 2

Isn't that what the show information is for...? Also, why would you think something that derives fom the word "Apocalypse" is child friendly?

missmurderx 8

"I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom."

Kefka91 15

IM ON COCAAAAAAAIN!!!! oh Dr. Rockso the rock and roll clown... he's a good roll model

Kefka91 15

195- before some dick weasel points it out: yeas, I used roll instead of role by accident. deal with it

Dr Rockso !! :D haha that show is so brutal

200 - I love you for using the term "dick weasel".

rock an roll hello, rock an roll goodbye.


ahahaha you really have not heard of that show? lol love it

I agree it's the best show ever xDDD rockso the rock and roll clown ftw xD and yes I'm on c-c-c-cocaine xD

LeelaD 0
nmearayta 0

he needs to learn early. if you see a clown outside of a circus you run??

ChickenDoggiesWh 0

I'm Doctor Rockso, the rock and roll clown! I do cocaaaaiiiine!

bantosh 4

me and my anarcho-punk friend watch this show all the time when we hiiigh

I saw that one, when I was like 11, great parenting. Reminds me of my family

Hold up, the show isn't even that old. You must be young as ****

My bad, that'd make you like 16. Didn't know it came out in 2006 ^.^;

I remember seeing it when I was like 8 or 9 n Murderface dumped ice down his pants O.O

#1, you fail, and don't you think you'd read the info on it before putting it on...?

Doctorhowl 0

You know that kid is gonna snort some pixie sticks and give it up when they ask "Where'd you learn that?"

Doctorhowl 0

You know that kid is gonna snort some pixie sticks and give it up when they ask "Where'd you learn that?"

NereidAlbel 14

Let's just hope his parents never hear him say "And I do c-c-c-c-cocaine!"

crotchpheasant 0

I'm dr roxxo the rock and roll clown! I do c-c-c-cocaine! let's go get some ice c-c-c-cream and hookersss! yeahhh! this is what that kid got to hear.let's hope he doesnt ask for a hooker next time they take him for ice cream hahaha