By Anonymous - 11/09/2009 18:27 - United States

Today, My girlfriend and I were watching tv when suddenly one of our phones start going off. We both have the same phone and they were next to each other. She picks up the phone and reads the text message, "I wish you were here! I'd fuck you silly" She gets pissed and runs out. It was her phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 757
You deserved it 3 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hope your dumb girlfriend realized she made herself look retarded doing that.

What a cheating bitch! But hey, be glad you're rid of her.


Did you even stop to think that maybe she was not Mad but only pretending to be so she could go out and sleep with that other guy? Ydi for being gullible

Maybe she SAID something along the lines of "I'm mad at you."

Good! Let her feel bad she deserves it!! This is what they call "getting a taste of your own medicine" u need a better girl

Probably pissed that he wasn't there and ran out so she could do that to him

Lol atleast you had the satisfaction of seeing her cry??