By garrett - 14/02/2019 15:11 - United States

Today, my girlfriend beat me at ping pong, twenty to three. She said I let her win because I don't respect her, then stormed out of the room. I'm just really bad at ping pong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 474
You deserved it 4 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, gotta love females. If they win, they are upset because you "let them win". If they lose, they have a hissy fit. Yay for double edge swords!

I hate girls who do that. It's really annoying (don't go off on me, I'm a girl). She's just being cranky and will hopefully get over it soon.


sublime93 0

So I'm stuck here, wondering how the hell this is an FML. Its not even funny.

Lol. I suck like shit at ping pong, but my boyfriend never let's me win.....ok maybe he has once, but I really don't care cause I beat him in other things. OP FYL for sure for having to put up with a girlfriend like that.

My girlfriend is both a bad loser and bad winner at videogames... alternating between gloating and sulking. I believe the reason is they use games and activities as a bonding experience... best to win/lose 50/50 on average

Funny how she ends up coming off as the sexist in this situation.

youthink_fml 0

Some people just aren't happy unless they can be miserable. Those people don't change and it's best you drop her ass now. It's not a very happy life sharing it with someone like this.

kdlittle 0

LOL, if you beat her she would have been mad too. :)

I always let girls win, in every game Cause all girls suck at every game, but its great watching them actually thinking theyve won GOOD TIMES

bubbarific 0

well atleast she doesnt kno tht ur bad at ping pong