By syn1734 - 16/10/2009 17:33 - United States

Today, my girlfriend called me and told me "she has a surprise for me when I got home" in a sexy voice. So, I hurried home only to find a note saying she left me and took my dog. Deeply depressed, I went into the living room. She took my TV also. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 164
You deserved it 3 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Err...unless the two of you bought the dog and tv together, that's probably theft.

At least you have your computer... And maybe her virginity as well?


flyboy57 0

I would snap if my gf took my dog!

QuentinM95 0

WOMEN. and they think men are bad, two FML sections that must be added "mom" and "women"

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you did something really terrible to piss her off that much. And when I say "go out on a limb" i really mean "state the all but obvious". it does suck that your dog is gone though


I don't think any non-criminal action on his part could have justified her response. Even if he cheated on her, I don't think she'd steal his dog and TV if she's halfway rational. OP is probably better off without her.

Blimy 0

Can't you call the cops if the dog is tagged and registered to you?

Well, since you're not married, that qualifies as theft (unless she paid for them). Call the po-po on her ass, biznatch!

mirage24_fml 0

Can you honestly say that you were really surprised? There was no hint anywhere to you that this was coming?

Yeah because guys should always expect their girlfriend to steal their dog and tv.

that's just plain f'd up. sue the bitch!

file a police report and LOL when she gets a criminal record. it won't likely result in a significant jail term, but it pretty much assures that every job she gets from here on out will involve asking two questions "how can i help you?" and "would you like fries with that?"