By littlespoon - 04/02/2010 08:40 - United States

Today, my girlfriend decided it would be a funny idea to spray me with a hose while I was holding a kitten, showing her how cute we were. Needless to say, now I'm covered head to toe in cat scratches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 457
You deserved it 3 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TryToBeKind 0

Your girlfriend is either a b**ch, or she is very thoughtless. I would keep this over her head for a long time

maybe she is giving you a sign that she wants her "pussy" wet lol!


saranottelling 7

That cat's going to have problems. At least the scatches will heal quickly (assuming they are tiny kitty scratches all over.) That cat may grow up with deep emotional issues. Get him/her a kitty therapist ASAP! Now I'm curious. Are there cat therapists? I'm going to google it.

EllyH 0

oh there are definetly some!!! and with the right amount, even I can be one ^^

boatkicker 4

I don't know, but I once knew someone who was a Pet Masseuse.

NewJoisey 0

i guess thats the only pussy that you will be getting wet while touching it...

jcpt1984 0
EllyH 0

we all agreed on that, but don't you think it's crual to the cat too??

yes! what did the poor little kitty cat do to be hosed down? cats avbiously hate water and don't like getting wet.. OP: your girlfriend is a ******* bitch

Craw25 0

She's either really stupid, or did it on purpose.

I guess she is the "man" in the relationship :d

FMyJunk 0

Whoa that bitch is mean! Did she eat the kitten alive after washing it off?