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By Chocolatehater - 08/09/2018 18:30 - Netherlands - Wageningen

Today, my girlfriend finally came over to watch a movie with me after weeks of being really busy. As a treat she brought chocolate cookies, which she knows I can't eat. I am allergic to chocolate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 823
You deserved it 262

Top comments

awildwhisper 30

Step 1: Make food you like for someone with an allergy Step 2: Act surpised and sympathetic Step 3: Eat all the food yourself, no regrets

She gets the cookie, you get the nookie ;)


Whahahha heb iets te smakelijk gelachen. *neemt nog een hap chocolade* 😂

awildwhisper 30

rough German translation for all who think this is gibberish: hahaha should've laughed, it's so tasty. *Takes another bite of chocolate*

Jorn van der Ar 13
ImminentDisaster 12

They probably know german and can roughly understand dutch since the languages are similar.

ChromoTec 24

The actual FML here is that you're allergic to chocolate. It's soooooo good and it's soooooo terrible that you can't have it!

Jorn van der Ar 13

Apparently you're dating a wrong girlfriend.

awildwhisper 30

Step 1: Make food you like for someone with an allergy Step 2: Act surpised and sympathetic Step 3: Eat all the food yourself, no regrets

awildwhisper 30

yea sorry, I just realized I accidently wrote German instead of Dutch

She gets the cookie, you get the nookie ;)

fde2blknimout 18

You can understand her confusion since shes been spending the last few weeks with another man. Who likes chocolate

You know your s.o. doesn’t want to kiss when they eat food that could kill you. Good luck!

julfunky 29

So don’t eat them? You’re not exactly missing out on much. They’re just cookies.

ImminentDisaster 12

I think people can have allergic reactions by kissing someone who has eaten what they’re allergic to.

Ok but you got to see her right? I didn’t realize the cookies were the more important part to you...