By why me - 22/05/2011 23:09
Same thing different taste
Not an Addams Family person
By Anonymous - 03/01/2023 09:00
By disappointed - 25/03/2014 11:36 - United States - West Fargo
The Force is weak with this one
By fuck Star Wars - 14/09/2020 10:02
By hakuna_matata - 31/12/2015 02:41 - United States - San Francisco
By hot_shot - 29/11/2011 01:33 - United States
By Small_Fry_Hero - 21/10/2009 06:39 - United States
By nitwit - 08/09/2009 12:29 - Greece
By baddormgirl - 19/02/2009 05:22 - United States
Movie night
By heartbrokenl12453 - 27/10/2019 12:00
By smokecloud_ - 30/12/2013 21:38 - United States - Ashland
Top comments
you traitor!:(
He's fallen into the Glee trap.
15 I think you should hate the fact that you are too scared about acting masculine and 'cool' and are afraid of defying improper stereotypes.
#27 is butthurt 'cuz he likes Glee...
Why? Rachel's a bitch.
29 - I don't think 27's butt hurts because of that reason......
glee has 2 seasons
I agree you should be required to hand in your man card for that one.
I think you're scared of being straight.
I swear this was posted a couple months ago or maybe I'm just having Deja Vu...

You are now a Gleek. Go for medical help because you are addicted to a show which got worse as time went on.
I watch glee and hated once I realized glee is a club where stereotypes run rampant. for the most part they make people who disagree with the politically correct topics abusive bigots who as a group of choir students they gang up on the one person.
OP is a gleetard now :/
Says the person with Fairy Tail as the profile pic....
I prefer JOY
Ohhh, it's funny because Joy and Glee are similar words.
I see what u did there ^_^
I'm in the same dilemma
Aren't we all? sadly :D
lies! no one like rachael
No one likes Rachael anyway
I respect Rachel for her drive to be a star.
rachel is the best character on there, so stop bugging about her :)
Rachel's the worst, but then again everyone is entitled to their own opinion. but you must be pretty far behind there, that episode was at the beginning of the season.
was she blowing you the whole way through?that's the only thing making it worth it...than again which would make you harder, glee or a bj?
As much as OP wished this I doubt he got a bj for 6 hours. I think he just got sucked into the show.
take hold of your balls before they fall off
he is not a frickin douche!!! he's amazing!!! just like Glee is!! fu to all the haters!!!
Cory Montieth is a mofo sexy beast so back off hater
Going back and reading all this a month or so after he passed makes me want to cry. In 2011 we never expected him to pass away in 2013
Your gf tortures you and you just take it? Lay down the law OP.
You must be one pussy whipped dude to sit thru that crap.

now you ruined it for me thanks a lot dick
take hold of your balls before they fall off