By why me - 22/05/2011 23:09

Today, my girlfriend made me watch six hours of "Glee" with her. I don't know what I hate the most, the fact that I actually sat there and watched it or that I'm angry at Finn for breaking up with Rachel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 762
You deserved it 37 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackiemoonthepro 5

now you ruined it for me thanks a lot dick

take hold of your balls before they fall off


embrace it man, at least you got something in common with your girl

skizzlerz 0

I would be angry about being angry about Finn. Rachel is such a bitch.

Kenya72083 0
holygodthatshars 0

r u kidding? glee is the best show ever and Finn broke up with Rachel like 3 times

You can deposit your balls here. You'll earn them back when you're not whipped anymore. TBH, when I saw you talking about "Finn," the first thing to come to my mind was Adventure Time.

WickedPixie 0

Rabbit punch your girlfriend for making you sit through six hours of anything you don't initially care about. The show itself is alright when you ignore the annoying-as-**** singing.

prettyteen 0

dude, did u at least get some action after that?!?!