By cherokeems - 26/03/2015 17:44 - United States - Harriman
Same thing different taste
Moving day
By Anonymous - 11/09/2015 18:49 - Canada - Brampton
By stillloveherthough - 26/02/2016 17:54 - Germany - Aachen
By hungryman - 14/07/2009 21:10 - Canada
By Daddy. - 17/02/2010 08:15 - Australia
By Anonymous - 24/09/2009 04:52 - United States
Twists and turns
By Anonymous - 11/12/2024 16:00 - United States - Denver
By .... - 24/12/2013 02:48 - United States - Modesto
By Anonymous - 26/07/2015 16:36 - Finland - Vammala
By xX-SaD-FaCe-Xx - 24/11/2009 10:04 - Singapore
By anonymous - 25/07/2013 05:47 - United States - Gerald
Top comments
Consider this Unpopular opinion: her girlfriend could be suffering from depression/anxiety, she could've had an episode recently where she wanted to commit suicide or harm herself but thought of op and realised there was more to live for. Maybe she felt comfortable enough around op to tell her and meant it as a "hey you've given me something to live for". And I'd have to think, did she immediately follow that up with not liking breakups to be manipulative or was it a whole other part of the conversation that's been taken out of context. If she felt comfortable enough to tell op that then that is a sign of a healthy relationship and op just being uncomfortable because they're not used to confrontation on a subject like that...
looks like you're in here for the long haul!
If you do decide to break up with her, op, I suggest calling the police so she can be on suicide watch. You know, if the relationship becomes too stressful for you.
RUN bro
OP is a woman
Damn this plot twist is hot lol
I think bro and dude can be used as gender neutral terms of endearment.
@39 Its a known fact that any mention of lesbianism turns many guys on.
#39 are you karma whoring? lol cuz we all know u secretly liked it when u found out they were both chicks
Pretty sure not everyone here is still in puberty.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayRUN BITCH RUN! is what he should be doing.
Yeah, don't break up with her. Stay with her for the rest of your life now that she's said that...
Oooorrrr accept the fact that her mental state is not OP's fault and OP is free to leave an unhealthy relationship full of manipulation without feeling guilty?
#3 DON'T break up? After hearing that, OP should let her girlfriend down nicely and get the **** out.
well isnt she a pleasant girl
A friend of mine was in a relationship like that, where the guy threatened suicide, but he ended up breaking up with her and cheating on her. Honestly OP I would just get some of her friends involved to help her cope (if you plan to leave her soon) so they can keep her from doing anything stupid. I wish you the best of luck that I can.
My dad was engaged before he met my mum, bitch threatened to kill herself if he ever left her....... 30 years, 2 children and 1 grandchild later, he found out she's still alive.... And still single
If you like her now then for now there's no issue, it becomes an issue a few months or years down the road when she tells you she'll do the same thing if you won't marry her. Then you gotta decide either do do it, or find a safe way to break the news to her
Girls who do this kind of thing deserve to be broken up with
I agree and sorry I didn't mean girls in general, just in this case. Guys do this just as often
i dont think crazy sums up what she is!!
I was in that type of relationship once.. Get out of their before it ruins your sanity. I'm sure she's just fibbing.

Well thats not a healthy relationship.
What are you 15? You say you love her after a month and then say you're falling for someone else? I think you need to figure things out...continuing a relationship like this is not healthy for anyone.