By KiDCuSHi - 20/08/2011 04:58 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend sexted me for the first time in months. Halfway through reading it I was getting kind of hot. Then I found a spelling mistake and all I could think to do was correct her. She now won't talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 076
You deserved it 76 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

emilieee_fml 0

I HATE when my bf does this!!! HATTTEEEEE!!!


You kinda lost your focus mate on what's important for the moment. She totally wanted to "get it on" whilst you only "get your nerd on" YDI (bigtime)

xoxodenisee 0

That sounds like my bf -_- but I wouldn't stop talking to him. That's messed up o___O

BikeAllDay818 6

I said the same, she has problems!

brohamas16 7

how is it that outta whtever she said you only found a mispelled word

brohamas16 7

you just took it aliiiiiiiiiiittle far

jintin 0

That's style dude just understand dnt correct wait fr 4 days she will come back and sext lol

jellitonoctopus 19

Ah, I see. Now I know why grammar Nazis are so damn bitter. They don't get any.

I hate when smart-asses do that I no how to spell but who wants to be typing on a phone all day? Especially if you got a cell phone from the 90's- tap tap tap. Just call me