By migsman - 15/09/2010 02:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me to stop saying "I love you" so much because it's starting to annoy her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 351
You deserved it 19 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Saying any combination of words over and over can be annoying no matter how heartfelt they may be.

well it would get annoying if you kept saying it


MissErikaHart 0

both of ur posts have had something to do with what's between my legs. u want what's there or something? if not I can't tell

like_its_ya_bday 0

yes I see ur pic u look like a **** so yes no one has honestly ever loved u. lol but honestly how could u say a man isn't a real man if he shows he cares (not saying gay men aren't really men) that just showed ur a retard

like_its_ya_bday 0

ew lmao no I don't think he want u but that's just a guess

#1 I actually think Erika is right, he must be the man and that doesnt mean that he should never show her, his feelings in any way, but there are ways and ways of doin that, going around all day saying I love you millions of time its surely not the way to do it.

69 - I'm sorry, but I think what you're saying makes no sense at all. We are all human, and emotions are a human thing. Saying that someone shouldn't be emotional just because they happen to have a penis is incredibly stupid and dehumanizing, because you're basically saying that guys shouldn't act fully human, and instead they should act half human, half robot. I know that many people believe in gender roles and that guys are supposed to be less about feelings, but a lot of people also believe that the world is 6000 years old, or that it will end in 2012. All these things have two things in common. 1. Many people believe in them. 2. They make no sense at all. Just because many people believe in something doesn't mean it's true.

like_its_ya_bday 0

ya that why smart girls wouldn't go for a man like u 75 bc honestly why would a girl not want someone she loves to tell her it back. all I'm saying is that if he doesn't say it back or at all then he doesn't love me and is not worth the time

MissErikaHart 0

thank u! As I mentioned before, men don't have to be "robots" but if u r a man, u should have ur shit in check. and lil girl, when u get a lil older n find out what a real man is you'll understand sweetie where I'm coming from

DineshKarthikesu 0

Then follow her around, and sing 'Love Me - Justin Beaver' each time she starts talking.

like_its_ya_bday 0

nah if ima waste my time on someone I don't wanna look make and think I was stupid and ew WTF don't call me that u lesbian. idk if u are one but don't call me that.