By fmylifegirl - 29/12/2009 20:59 - United States

Today, my girlfriends and I got a caricature painting while on a trip in the city. Unfortunately for me, the part of my appearance that the artist decided to exaggerate was my acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 454
You deserved it 48

Top comments

thinmint 0

awe that was not nice. fyl indeed, acne is a terrrible bitch. and to those who say ydi for not washing-acne is not something that just goes away with good hygiene(sp). most of the time it is a battle of hormones that is very tricky to control, hence more acne whilst on growth hormone...educate before you hate


The last caricature I got done, the guy emphasized my boobs and made my best friend look like she had no body. I can't tell you how incredibly jealous I was :P

The guy in the pic looks like an extreme pedo.

Awesome illustration xd And to the op it's a caricature of course he is going to pick an obvious flaw.

Anyone else notice that the two friends switch places after the first panel?

After you mentioned it, yes. xD Did anyone check to see if the phone number is real?

Nevermind, according to google the area code is not valid. :(

One of my favorite artists online, ever! Beautifully done and it made me laugh. To the OP, I don't have to state what has already been stated by everyone about what a caricature is. ;D

Loish! I totally adore her art! :D Brilliant comic. :)

waterynuggets 0

Me, too! I stumbled across her DA a couple of years ago, so glad I did.

Uh... Redhead used teleport. She's on the right in the top frame, then on the left in the middle frame... ;D

I noticed that too, the redhead is on diff sides -_-

Loved the illustration, especially the "call me (not you)" at the end :)

best illustration ever! and OP you are lucky! Acne is something you can get rid of unlike giant nose or ears