By anonymous - 23/04/2009 01:46 - United States

Today, my grandma and I were watching the Ranger's playoff game. As Henrik Lundqvist received a standing ovation from the crowd after blocking 38 shots, she says to me, "Check out his equipment!" My 80-year old grandma just commented on Henrik Lundqvist's package. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 262
You deserved it 4 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for being a rangers fan. good luck trying to get past boston.

or she was talking about his goddamn hockey equipment. you're retarded


how can you make such a weird presumption? obviously if you know anything about hockey, you know you can't see anything past the goalie equipment.. those guys are padded like crazy.........

Um i think that she would have been talkin about the goal equipment, cause he is a goalie and doesnt normally pose nude after a game...

This goes in my top 5 lamest FMLs. This is NOT an FML. HOW do these get past moderation? I'm seriously in awe.

dude youre a ******* idiot. ive played goalie before and it would take a raging shaq like boner to be seen thru the pads. this is either fake or done by someone with ds.

Oh woe is me. My grandmother is still a woman. *Sob* My life is ruined!!!!

TheZephyrSon 3

I love how #12 tries to correct someone but doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. The Texas Rangers are the baseball team. The New York Rangers are a hockey team, idiot...

its hockey equipment you dumb shit. kill yourself

Is 'equipment' the word they used back in the day...? I don't think so. I think she's just talking about his ACTUAL equipment.

Yeah, definitely take your mind out of the gutter on this one. Although you probably were thinking dirty thoughts about Henrik anyway, so I can see how you would jump to conclusions. Also, since my team's just getting an early start on preparing for the Cup next year, I'm saying go Boston. As long as Calgary or Vancouver doesn't take it. Or Anaheim. :)