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By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 21:46 - United States

Today, I went to my son's soccer game. I cheered his name at the top my lungs and waved with a grin on my face. I saw him whisper something to a team mate so I watched the film my husband took later that night. His friend asked, "Who is that?" and my son replied, "I don't know some fat bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 101 717
You deserved it 19 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How old is that kid? seriously he needs some sense of respect kicked into him

suckstobeyou3 0

Ground that little brat for being an asshole.


erika_lynnex 1

thank you so much for not saying "firsttttt!!!!!!!!!" like an idiot :)

well you shouldn't have screamed so loud, I wouldve done the same

scvcwcheer 0

I agree with 291. YDI for embarrassing him

He still has no right to refer to his mother as "some fat bitch." That is no way to treat a mother who is showing support for you.

i agree with 291 and 305. ydi for shouting so loud, hes a douche for saying that

#291, #293, #318 Don't ever have kids, you stupid *****. She was supporting that child - and this is the thanks she gets? She doesn't deserve this, but you three do. Just because neither of you never had any supportive parents doesn't mean you should dog someone who IS being a supportive parent.

wowfmlife 0

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Amystika 0

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HA beat his ass! if it were my kid he wouldn't be able to sit down for a month.....lil ******

what r u going to do to him to make him not be able to sit down???

Have you ever played soccer? One of the most annoying things is fat bitchy soccer moms calling peoples names from the sideline

So beat his ass for understandably not wanting to be linked to his mother? No, the mother was in the wrong here. Poor kid.

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Freaklancer 0

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suckstobeyou3 0

Ground that little brat for being an asshole.

why would you ground, they don't learn from that! you gotta beat the sense into him

hahaLexinater 0

ya grounding him won't but beating him will! haha

Mars_bar123 0