By Awks - 30/11/2012 06:30 - Australia - Bendigo

Today, my grandmother and I turned up to a family function wearing the same outfit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 015
You deserved it 6 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randomthing 22

She have fashion or you dress like an old lady.


Either Grandma is trying to feel young or you just dress like an old lady. Hmmm... I can hear your family saying "what you go through grandma's closet?"

Either your grandma has young taste in clothing or you have an elderly taste in clothing.

iloveryan052710 8

Either you have really bad taste or she has really good taste..

So, you're both kinda old fashioned?

snapdragon1100 7

Either your grandma is good looking for her age, or you have a TERRIBLE fashion sense.

41 I doubt she would be on fml if that were the case