By RatCityChick - 27/06/2012 17:18 - United States - Bellevue

By RatCityChick - 27/06/2012 17:18 - United States - Bellevue
By Anonymous - 09/06/2024 07:00 - Canada - Vancouver
By Sarraahh - 19/04/2020 05:00 - Canada
By carebear1228 - 01/07/2014 17:31 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 20/09/2009 05:18 - United States
By hdgyfjdzdfg - 16/04/2012 06:53 - United States
By moonstone15 - 06/08/2011 00:24 - United States
By Susan - 18/03/2013 08:59 - Ireland
By JessBaby - 04/05/2009 20:44 - United States
By grandma - 08/02/2014 15:12 - United States - Barnesville
By loveless - 18/02/2010 05:07 - United States
Well, she's a realist. And remember, she's probably done everything you've done (and more) at least once in her life, don't sell her short!
Your grandma is awesome.
Gramma knows best
Nice CopperCab reference.
Wow, really? Do you measure your self worth based on thumbs here? If so, I don't see you lasting very long. For the record, I wasn't going to thumb you up or down until I saw your whining. That earned you an immediate thumbs down.
He IS a doctor..
He's definitely raging! Haha
everyone gets thumbed down sometimes, you're just going to have to deal with it.
I do think it unfair to thumbs someone down for making the same reply as someone else at the same time. It isn't like he controls time and space and should have anticipated this happenstance. Let's be more understanding. :)
Dang dude relax. Its either a hit or miss with the comments
I hate when comments got modded before I can read them ): I was enjoying the unnecessary anger and shit storm :/
*Cough* No offence to anyone, or DocBastard, but I tend to find that everyone is happy with comments until DocBastard disagrees with them and then suddenly the thumbs down begin to pour in; even when similar comments have received positive feedback in the past. You're like a flock of sheep.
Discombobulated - With all due respect, the original comment has exactly 6 more thumbs down now than it did when I wrote my response. It was already getting thumbs down, hence his angry retort. Not exactly your "flock of sheep", eh?
Seriously they said it at the same time it's not his fault
If he cares about thumbs up or down that's his problem. If he wants to do something about it by saying he posted a second after, he's within his rights. No one on FML should be aiming to get people to thumb down what they think is wrong, and Doc, if that's not the case for you then fine. If people decide to follow Doc like a flock of sheep than that is their choice and if they are morally wrong then it is their own mistake.
Perhaps grandma could give you a lesson or two.
That's crazy that grandma thinks about your sex life
Yeah, old people shouldnt be allowed to think about such things!
They are wiser they speak truth.
She should tell your boyfriend for you, Let him know what he's doing wrong with gestures and lists.
Did you really think you were going to be taken seriously? I'm sorry, you're 15. Even if you have had sex you still don't know what "hitting it right" even is. Sorry bout the rant, kids posting about sex is just a pet peeve...
65- 'Scuse me, but kids/teenagers have the same commenting rights as adults. I'm fourteen. I can and will post about whatever is on my mind, and she should be able to do the same. Worry about yourself. Jesus ****.
90 No ones saying you lack the right to say something, (First amendment and all that) but sometimes just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it. Some things just make you look bad
65, really? Are you trying to tell me that I don't know where my Blu-ray player's sweet spot is. I will have you know that I made sweet, sweet love to that thing for 2 years now, and I know where that ******* sweet spot is--- Oh, you were talking about kids having sex with each other. Carry on then.
She just wants what's best for you!!!
Well, is she right?
Grandma's just worried about her grandbaby!