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By carebear1228 - 01/07/2014 17:31 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my grandma got a new boyfriend. She dumped the old one because "His wife was taking too long to die." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 043
You deserved it 4 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't know if your grandmother is crazy or cool.

SofaKingPretty 13


I don't know if your grandmother is crazy or cool.

I'm leaning towards the more cool side

8, that's funny. I'm leaning more towards crazy. I figure that only a person who's not all there would 1) Get involved with a married person, and 2) Later leave that married person because their significant other was taking too long to die.

JMichael 25

I agree with 34. No one in their right mind would put themselves in a situation like that. I'm sorry OP but I'm not sure how this specifically affects you, it's more **** her ex boyfriend's wife's life.

At that (assumed) age, I believe senile may be the more accurate term. But really, that's hilarious.

Why can't people spell definitely correctly? It's not even a hard word.

Well at least she made the good decision to find another guy rather than trying to be with a taken man..

onealmxwilson 18

Well it's not like her reason for leaving was because he was taken. It's just because his wife wasn't dying soon enough for her liking. She had no good intentions with her choice.

She doesn't have good intentions. Either way with them

For all we know, the new boyfriend could be taken too.

At least she didn't kill the wife to be with him.

SofaKingPretty 13

Wine isn't the only thing that gets better with age, apparently.

REALAfroninga 11

Like a tender fruit. Juicer with age.

onealmxwilson 18

Why would she want to date a married man in the first place?

emily4040 18

Why wouldn't she? Taken men are always more appealing to women.

gingaa96 18

@emily4040, did you know I have a girlfriend? ;]

Wizardo 33

Coldblooded grandma is coldblooded. Just tell me she isn't a part of teen moms otherwise it isn't looking promising for the home party either.

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

She's not too cold blooded.. She at least walked away instead of trying to off his wife. Lol

OPs grandma is coldblooded. FALSE. If the grandma was coldblooded, she would most likely die in weather below 32 degrees farenheit. I really need to stop watching the office.

31, it's cold blooded that she even wants the wife to die in the first place. It's also kind of crazy and very alarming.

This thread is highly offensive to reptiles.

she isnt THAT coldblodded, she dumped him

She definately doesn't take affect from age !!

I think they mean that, despite her age, OP's grandma is still acting young.

RedPillSucks 31

Well. We don't know her age. If she was a teen mom and her child was a teen parent, she could be a grandma in her 30's or 40's

Some role model. Glad to hear that you took it as an FML.

Actually, it's "an". The letter 'F', when pronounced, sounds like 'eff'. The sound of the 'E' infront of the letter 'F' makes the word before it, "an". It's really the sound of 'a' 'e' 'i' 'o' and 'u' that requires the "an". Not the letter itself.

I'd like to imagine 18 pronounces it "A Fimul".

Why do people do that? try to act cool by correcting someone, when in all actuality, they're wrong and the person they were trying to correct, wasn't ever wrong -.-

#24, Thanks for my annual lesson of English.

MzZombicidal 36

#24 schooled you and English isn't even her first language. Boom.

CelticSkye 13

#95 - It's most likely because English isn't #24's first language that she was able to school them. My God-Mother was born and raised in Sicily and she's got the best English speaking and writing skills I've ever seen! I noticed the immigrants that take the time to learn English tend to speak and write it better than those of us who were born in the States to English speaking parents.

Looks like she hasn't changed with age. Still acts like a teenage girl

Teenage girl? Um, .. I know plenty of grown ass men and women who go after people who are taken. It's not just teenagers. Or girls. It has to do with personality, not age or gender.

It's a joke. FML is for humor not attacking people when they make a joke. Don't take stuff to seriously.

#40 But jokes are supposed to be funny?

Honestly, FML isn't really always for humor. People here post their misfortunes from their daily lives. Granted, some of them are damn hilarious but there are some that just aren't funny at all. Don't try to defend stupidity by saying It's all meant to be funny.

On the bright side, she is no longer dating a married least I hope not...

On the bright side she is still mentally all there... Haha sorry that's really awkward!

RedPillSucks 31

Don't know that for sure. Adultery and murderous intent might be brought on by a not so sound mind.

It's a joke! Hence the haha... Don't take anything to seriously. My grandfather uses me as a wingman sometimes! Old people say and do a lot more things because they don't give a crap anymore. Part of the perks of being old. There's not much you can do, but watch and make sure they really are ok.