By Anonymous - 17/04/2018 01:30

Today, my husband and I were getting busy on the living room couch when my mother-in-law stopped by and let herself in with a key we didn’t know she had. She then demanded an apology like it was all our fault and stormed out. I still don’t know why she came by. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 881
You deserved it 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saffy66 34

I sure hope you didn’t apologise. And I’d be asking where she got that key.

lukesick1 12

Now you need to get a key for her house and barge in when you like.


Maybe she came over to check on her couch?

Lobby_Bee 17

She must have been upset you didn't stop ******* to greet her. Quite impolite.

Did you forget to put a sock on the door?

Your husband needs to have a word with his mother about stopping by without calling. And maybe he needs to take the key back if she's going to invade your privacy that way. Unless you have kids or you had the blinds open, you have every right to get busy wherever you want in the privacy of your own home. And if MIL can't respect that, it's her problem. (I once read a story about a woman whose family would often come over without asking, even though she repeatedly asked them not to. So the next time she did it, she and her husband pretended they were getting busy. It stopped her family from making unannounced visits. Too bad your MIL is not so considerate.)

Change your locks now... then have a long talk with your MIL about trespassing.

I wish you could File that under unlawful entry

You can, if they didn't give her a key. It could actually be prosecuted as burglary (even though no prosecutor would ever do it).

DeadlyAmbition 4

Picture this: we were both butt-naked banging on the bathroom floor.

Dustin Allen-Duwayne Lakey 16

How could you forget that you had given her an extra key?

You should check out JustNOMIL on reddit. They're your people probably