By Anonymous - 17/04/2018 01:30

Today, my husband and I were getting busy on the living room couch when my mother-in-law stopped by and let herself in with a key we didn’t know she had. She then demanded an apology like it was all our fault and stormed out. I still don’t know why she came by. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 881
You deserved it 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saffy66 34

I sure hope you didn’t apologise. And I’d be asking where she got that key.

lukesick1 12

Now you need to get a key for her house and barge in when you like.


Edessa 8

Serves her right. Don't apologise to her. She is who needs to apologise and give your key back. I would still change the locks regardless.

I’d be like “no , no you apologise to us for making a key without our consent and walking in uninvited. If you don’t apologise we’ll take the key and it’ll be the last time you come to our door!“