By LoveLost - 09/07/2016 02:57

Today, my husband finally broke our two-month dry spell. I don't know what's more depressing: the fact that it had been two months or that he's horrible at sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 246
You deserved it 2 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Communication is the only way that will get any better. Maybe it has been 2 months because he knows he is failing in that area and does not know how to improve things. Talk, talk, talk.


And maybe you should look at the fact that maybe you had a two month dry spell because you go and post on fml about how he sucks at sex.

My friend had a 8 month spell with her husband because he won't get help for his lack of interest unless they are staying in someone else's house or a hotel...

Mortoli 30

see that girl needs to leave him lol

I can't imagine why any man would not want to rock OP's world. She sounds so giving, selfless, and full of boundless enticement. /S It takes at least two to have sex. I somehow doubt the "fault" of meh sex rest squarely on the guy's shoulders here.

Mortoli 30

it sucks finding out a partner is bad in bed im sure lol. im not good in the sheets sadly. but alas op tell him what to do next time. ;) it may not be to late to save your love life. teach the boy to become a man some guys just need someone who knows what they want and can show their men what they need to do to fix their relationship, and vice versa. their are some with natural talent and some who just no good sadly and need to learn if you two want a good sex life to go with your love life best teach him a few things never too late... and shouldnt dump a guy/girl just because he/she no good in bed just keep trying new methods. only leave if he doesnt want to learn to please you.

Horrible at sex is worse. No sex is better than horrible one. With horrible one you're asking yourself "was it even worth my time?" and you know it wasn't. Try talking to him about it and tell him sex is a 2 way street and that he should put some effort into being good.

You love him enough to marry him - but not enough to communicate so you can improve your sex life? I'm thinking that this is not all his fault.

You do realize that it is possible OP has spoken to her spouse about it but her request for communication has fallen on deaf ears?

Sorry, but it could be that both things are symptoms of a the same problem. It could be that he doesn't like having sex with you. Which is why he doesn't want to do it often and also why he does it half heartedly.

You sound like an ungrateful bitch. Maybe he's trying his best.

Yell him you need him to use his mouth and tongue and fingers on you. All at the same time.

well, if you don't tell him what you like or how to fix it, how can the situation ever get resolved, and result in you both being happy...??