By hungry - 15/08/2016 03:03 - United States - Waverly

Today, my husband offered to do the weekly grocery shopping. Because he has never done the shopping before, I made him a list of what we needed and other optional foods to give him an idea of what to get. He came back with a week's worth of ramen noodles and 2 litres of soda. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 019
You deserved it 2 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait wait wait. Your husband's never done grocery shopping? Providing sufficient and more or less healthy food for yourself and your family is like adulting 101.

Does your husband happen to be a college student?


first mistake making a list. guys don't even read instructions on how to put stuff together. he probably lost/forgot the list before he even made it to the car.

Good luck with that one ?? especially if you have a baby. Did you not sense he might be stupid before you married him?

Taco The Dank 27

did he at least get the Sriracha sauce?

How bout you never ask him to do that again? You have a family to feed

My husband did the same except he also bought cheese slices and 4 cases of bottled water....

he did the right thing... he bought survival food until u have time to go to the grocery store. u should be proud