By hungry - 15/08/2016 03:03 - United States - Waverly

Today, my husband offered to do the weekly grocery shopping. Because he has never done the shopping before, I made him a list of what we needed and other optional foods to give him an idea of what to get. He came back with a week's worth of ramen noodles and 2 litres of soda. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 019
You deserved it 2 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait wait wait. Your husband's never done grocery shopping? Providing sufficient and more or less healthy food for yourself and your family is like adulting 101.

Does your husband happen to be a college student?


Your *husband* never done grocery shopping? That's a huge freaking YDI for marriying an idiot

Sounds more like he was just being lazy rather than not knowing how to grocery shop. Maybe bring him with you next time and shop together?

That's basically my whole diet only the month supply lasts about three days.

buttcramp 21

As much as this sucks.. Maybe money is tight?

Don't you think OP would have known that when making the list?

tmarty 17

He knows how to shop. Bachelor shop. Now you just have to convert him.

orangejubejube 20

If I didn't laugh at this, I would cry because it's so relatable. I say "please pick up eggs, milk, and cheese," and he comes back with chips, cheese, juice, and other junk.

How could you have trusted him with such a difficult task?

He MUST know roughly what to buy though - bread, milk etc.