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By Anonymous - 15/04/2016 20:18 - United States

Today, I found out how acidic some of the chemicals I work with are. After a chemical shower, minor burns, and having to throw away my clothes due to a biohazard, I had the pleasure of running across the parking lot to my car, wearing only a lab coat around my waist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 434
You deserved it 2 331

Same thing different taste


What's so bad about the lab coat around the waist? If your F I could understand why you wanted it to cover other things

Ops a male, says so in the gender identifier

I don't know how many times it has to be explained that some people have an updated version of the app that doesn't have gender or location listed on the posts.

Mine is the latest version and has both

Even if he did say that, it still makes sense for him to say "if op were a F" as in, what if? Don't be a douchenozzle.

rldostie 19

Mine is the updated version but only has location. You'd think they'd fix that by now.

I have the latest version and I only see op's user name, no gender nor location.

I'm confused because I can see Op's gender and location on both my android and IOS devices. Both say that Op is a male from the United States of America.

The IOS version has it, I just updated the android app and Op's gender and Location is gone.

Wizardo 33

I would think most people would know how dangerous chemicals they're working with are, cos you know, you're working with the chemicals.

dragoongirl90 34

Exactly what I was going to say.

It's one thing to know the chemicals in theory, it's another thing altogether to experience their effects first hand.

It's a figure of speech. Like, "I found out how hot the stove is when I sat on it naked." Obviously the idea of the stove being hot, and there being ways to measure that, are not new. It's first hand experience driving it home.

At least you're making most likely good money.

Why didn't you just wear the lab coat normally?

theblondeone 16

Not all lab coats are long. My lab coat goes to roughly halfway down my butt. Certainly not long enough to cover the nether regions.

NotGabe 28

Even then, if the spill is bad enough, they'd have you strip down and chem bath for safety precautions.

As a chemist, I'm not quite sure what you were expecting. Knowing the hazards of your chemicals is part of your job. I work with lethal substances, high/low pH solutions, carcinogens, etc. and we are trained for proper measures in the case of exposure for each chemical. Also, I highly doubt you would have been allowed to return home without being monitored by medical services.

ShannonBitt 29

My first thought was that he was running to his car to get another set of clothes.

rldostie 19

I agree, probably has more clothes in the car. And sometimes being aware of how dangerous something is mentally isn't the same as being reminded physically.

#24: I hate to be a realist, but sometimes you don't have a chance to be reminded physically. One of my chemicals will kill me with a skin exposure the size of a quarter. We actually had a near miss last week (dude is extremely lucky to be alive), and a death in the industry last year from this particular material. I use it often. Another of my chemicals is so corrosive that it'll eat my skin to my bones. Another will give me cancer. Chemistry isn't a game, and many people underestimate the danger.

Ricrad 11

That bone-eating chemical you mentioned; is it hydrofluroic acid by any chance?

I'm sure they really were aware. It's a figure of speech. "I found out how sharp kitten claws are when they lacerated my cornea" doesn't mean someone didn't know previously that they were sharp, or wasn't being careful. It means that they now have first hand knowledge. Because accidents do happen, even in labs with dangerous materials.

You mean aside from "chemistry, the board game," chemistry is not a game. The board game is fun. Especially when we squirt each other with H2SO4. Or guess which hat has mercury in it by feeling around. I always loved playing that game. Now i haunt the fml site. Because im a ghost. I cant seem to remember how that happened though....

The most important thing is, You're Alive. Sure burns hurt, but in time, they'll heal. It's unfortunate to hear you had an accident, hope the pain goes away. I'd recommend a cream, but alas, I cannot think of any off the top of my head.

Chemical "burns" are a little worse than regular burns, and even minor ones can leave gnarly scars. This post makes it sound rather frivolous, but hopefully the situation was handled with a higher degree of seriousness.

ThreeSheets 14

Be safe, be prepared. Keep a change of clothes in your locker. Sweatshirt- sweatpants-underwear- socks.

You should have done it Walter White style, tighty whites and an apron would have done the trick

I believe a msds could have told you that, not sure if this is outside US or not ( damn app update) but US its a legal requirement for your employer to keep that info onsite.

ollygollymolly 6

I'm on the website and it definitely says US. -_- some people just don't care until bad things happen.