By Shantwozzlah - 26/03/2012 16:15 - United States - Kissimmee

Today, my husband thought it would be funny to scare me by maniacally zooming in and out of traffic while we were on his motorcycle. His mood turned to anger when I nervously admitted to having voided my bowels. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 848
You deserved it 3 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

What a crazy bf you have... That's not funny at all that's just flat out stupid and dangerous... Fyl op, how unfortunate, just be glad you only voided your bowels instead of being road kill...

tell your boyfriend that putting you in a terrifying and extremely dangerous situation is not ******* funny.


beastiness...even if he has done it a million time before it onlytakes one mistake of one misunderstanding and he has crashed and is dead.i am sorry OP that u had to experiance fear so extreame that u had a accident. i would retink your relationship cause i sounds to me he is a ass

oarisimo 4

He has the nerve to put you through that then get mad because you shit yourself out of fear that HE caused? What a wonderful boyfriend you have! He's a keeper!

Not only does he think it is entertaining when his girlfriend is scared out of her wits and when he puts his life, your life, and other people's life at risk, he also gets angry when you are not amused by the same thing he finds amusing? Time for a break up.

And THAT is why I HATE motorcycles! They are death traps... even experience riders can be in dangerous accidents. My brother, my father, and even my grandfather have all been in severe accidents and each time it was because of other drivers on the road! Dump him then sue him for emotional distress, I say ;) Then HE will evacuate his bowels....

Squids are seriously the bane of motorcyclists... It's like they WANT all of us to look like idiots.

He thinks he's like James Bond or something but instead he's just Tool Bag.

Matty1188 6

Time for a new bf, OP. This guy doesn't respect you or anyone else.

A friend of mine is a medical doctor, from experience she has devised a name for idiots on motorbikes; "walking organ donor".

chels1994 11

That's not funny at all...that's dangerous to not only both of you, but also those driving around you...sick sense of humor at its finest