By mrandmrsanon - 02/01/2017 17:23 - United States - Victoria

Today, my internet got shut off. Apparently off-brand "Avengers" porn is better copyright-protected than the actual movie. We looked it up as a joke, didn't watch the whole thing, and now have to visit the Suddenlink office to get our internet back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 053
You deserved it 1 354

mrandmrsanon tells us more.

OP here, don't know how to make this comment "OP Official" but anyway. I didn't download or torrent it, it was just a quick search. Apparently there's a huge industry for box office hit themed pornos. Our internet only opened up to a suddenlink page about the "copyright infringement" and all I had to do was check a box that we wouldn't do it again. Problem solved. Mild embarrassment, worth the laugh. And worth getting an FML published.

Top comments

enticingmudkip 4

100% my favorite part about working for Suddenlink was handling these calls. And yes, I get to read the titles out to an increasingly mortified customer.

Wow! I've never heard of that actually happening. Sorry OP.


Why aren't YOU looking up avengers ****?

OP here, don't know how to make this comment "OP Official" but anyway. I didn't download or torrent it, it was just a quick search. Apparently there's a huge industry for box office hit themed pornos. Our internet only opened up to a suddenlink page about the "copyright infringement" and all I had to do was check a box that we wouldn't do it again. Problem solved. Mild embarrassment, worth the laugh. And worth getting an FML published.

netwizard2003 6

It had to have been torrented or streamed to catch a DMCA violation. FYI If its your first or second offence, tech support can clear that block on your modem for you. Just call us. OR you can actually clear it yourself too, you just need your full account number (on your bill)

There was a "we" in this situation? How bored/high were you guys?

Where do you live. I have suddenlink and they are terrible. They are overpriced and there is still nothing to watch. They have done this to me before as well. It is really none of their ******* bidness what I download on my computer

<p>Yes, you looked it up as a 'joke'.</p>