By Anonymous - 17/08/2012 22:16 - Canada

Today, my lazy manager, who blatantly spreads vicious rumors about employees, one which has ruined a marriage, has started targeting me because her lazy daughter was legally fired. Now I'm known around the office as "the whore who slept her way up the corporate ladder." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 794
You deserved it 1 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FMLshark 12

Well, she certainly sounds like a charming woman. "Horrible Bosses" came to mind.

comeatmebroo6254 1

Wow. I'm so sorry. Find a a way to get your boss in trouble! That is extremely unbusiness like and frankly, she sounds like a terrible boss.


TheDrifter 23

Spread one about the incestuous threesome that got her daughter hired with a scandalous bit about a rushed abortion to keep it from her husband. Its the only reasonable thing to do.

How can this not be a good thing? The men who are higher up are going to promote you, just to see if it is true. She is furthering your career, leave the woman alone! Always a silver lining =D

Cause she'd actually have to sleep with them to get the promotion. They're not exactly gonna say "Oh hey, you give good head? Sure then, you're promoted!"

Shadow_Phantom 26

I'm sure there's somebody at a higher level than her who can fire her...

What a horrible person! If the other employees know that she constantly spreads rumour, then I doubt they will believe her :)

I wouldn't consider her a "lazy" manager, but a "horrible" manager. It sucks that you are now under her radar, but lets just hope that despite the rumours, everyone is just playing along with her stupidity just to stay out of her radar.. in other words, they know how she is and they do not really believe her words about you.

AClassActx3 7

Umm. She can definitely be fired for that. That's now illegal when you make false accusations. Sure for defamation of character! The End.

Do you work at a kohls? that sounds like a kohls to me.

That's slander and it's illegal ! Take legal action your boss sucks !

doglover100 28

Take action for it. Sue her for slander.