By epiiphany - 16/12/2009 23:01 - United States

Today, my little brother got mad at me, so he colored the entire screen of my new iPod Touch with a black sharpie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 024
You deserved it 5 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its glass. use heavy duty window cleaner. done.

DoomJeff91 2

Are you sure it's not turned off?


Intellectualist 0

£3.50 Worth more than your silly dollars.

screen protector dude. if you don't have one you're an idiot

Perfectly_InSAnE 0

Take it to the apple store, tell them it won't turn on, get a free new 1

hey, not sure if it was suggested, but you can do it with hand sanitizer. takes the stuff right off. put it on a kleenex to dampen and rub in circular motion. and prevent your brother from using sharpies in future ^_^;;

If you put DRY ERASE marker on top of the sharpie, it should come off.

now if u were smart enough to put on a clear cover to protect the screen all you have to do is peal it off and buy a new screen cover duh

An organic solvent will take that off if you can get access to anything like that, acetone, ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, etc. even a shot of vodka might do the trick. Nail polish remover used to contain acetone which is why it worked so well, but it may or may not nowadays.

i sharpie my ipod screen all the time when im bored it wipes off you douche

fYOURlife1989 0

good thing it comes with an automatic 1 year warranty..