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By vreenya - 08/04/2014 20:13 - Chile - Santiago

Today, my little brother was feeling like the god damned bratty douchebag he is and hurled a basketball at me. It missed, hit the wall, and rebounded straight into his face. He burst into tears, and I'm now grounded because my parents believed him when he said I threw it at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 622
You deserved it 4 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThomasBombadil 31

Little brothers are a pain sometimes. Thankfully they grow up.

Well my brother ran me over with a snowmobile and blamed it on my GROWN ASS neighbor and my mum believed him and actually went to court about it. The lawyer was really cool, he had a marijuana plant dude smokin' a cig tattoo.


ThomasBombadil 31

Little brothers are a pain sometimes. Thankfully they grow up.

This always use to happen with me as a child. I did something that my brother or sister didn't like, they would start crying and I would be punished.

Well my brother ran me over with a snowmobile and blamed it on my GROWN ASS neighbor and my mum believed him and actually went to court about it. The lawyer was really cool, he had a marijuana plant dude smokin' a cig tattoo.

I was the little brother and I would get yelled at for everything. The best part is that my brother could do whatever he wanted.

Did they prove is was your bro, Banana?

Don't forget little sisters can be pains too

Is it that same guy from that other fml . He got drunk and let his brother in law give him that tattoo ...

cryssycakesx3 22

I used to yell and scream at my brother in my sleep. he got in trouble a few times because they didn't believe him until they witnessed it themselves

Look at the FML above this , we found your lawyer

my 20 year old brother hasnt even "grown up" yet

incoherentrmblr 21

#41, Yeah, we can go from Chile to the USA in mere minutes b/c OP's the Flash...

But then that brat will tell his parents and op get in bigger trouble

Actually, the next time he throws a ball at you, pound him with it. Tell him you have nothing to lose as he's going to lie anyway. You're going to be grounded anyway, so you might as well do what he accused you of doing.

I did this to my brother when we were younger. I told him if he's gonna get me grounded anyway that I would beat his ass for it.

billionair11 20

Man that kid needs to learn to be truthful. I hope your parents don't believe him on everything

If he isn't nicer someone might actually throw something at his face...

rogwest 23

Should've whipped his ass an made the grounding worth it!

Since you already got in trouble for it, might as well actually throw a basketball at his face. Double jeopardy.

I know how you feel. My parents are the same way with my little sister.

They always say that we pick on them D:

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I'm 18 and my 12-year-old sister antagonizes me to no end. When I tell her to shut up, I get a "Hailey! That's so rude! Don't tell your sister to shut up!" Yet when I ignore her I get yelled at as well. I can't wait to move out (due to more than that...). Can't yet due to financial issues but I'll be so happy when I'm finally away from that black hole of negativity. :/

There's always a way to get back at them... Always.

Wow...I'd say turn on the cold water when he showers? Like my little brothers never lock the door when they shower, so I can sneak in and make the water cold. They get PISSED!


That's rookie shit. Wait until a couple minutes into the shower and cut the hot water off from the water heater. Then they can't get it to heat back up.

ThomasBombadil 31

Word to the wise, don't piss Shamus off. Hardcore.

cryssycakesx3 22

you'd turn on the hot water for it to run cold. and it doesn't have to be in the bathroom.

Get a cup of cold water and throw it on him when he showers. Or flush the toilet while he's showering. Try to frame him for stealing your stuff.