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By horny bastard - 16/01/2009 08:34 - United States

Today, I realized that instead of actually trying to get a job, save money, lose weight, and get thin so I could maybe attempt to date again; I'd rather spend my money on a Fleshlight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 787
You deserved it 41 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See, this is why you will die alone. Not because you're overweight, or because you don't have a job- though, those things certainly don't help. But because you have no ambition, no aspirations, no hopes, no desires, no drive. As a woman, I can definitively say that there is nothing less attractive than self-imposed hopelessness. That sort of depression is absolutely contagious. I'm sure you have positive traits, but this post has officially labeled you as the worst sort of loser: a boring loser with no desire to change that.


why not invest in a real doll if your actually that sad

Agreed. It is fmls like this one that inspired my name... Op if it really sucks, put your dick in it ;)

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha you could just make a porno with your hot best friend (girl or boy)


See, this is why you will die alone. Not because you're overweight, or because you don't have a job- though, those things certainly don't help. But because you have no ambition, no aspirations, no hopes, no desires, no drive. As a woman, I can definitively say that there is nothing less attractive than self-imposed hopelessness. That sort of depression is absolutely contagious. I'm sure you have positive traits, but this post has officially labeled you as the worst sort of loser: a boring loser with no desire to change that.

SulfurPlague 0

as a dude, i can definately say that there is nothing less attractive then a bitch. don't be so stuck up.

22cute 17

I'm pretty sure Tex isn't interested in attracting your type of "man". I know I'm not.

roxas355 0

although some of this is true you don't need to be so harsh, or quite frankly a bitch about it.

koolkat27 13

well, someones definetly pmsing:(

what, so she's stuck up because this type of man doesn't do it for her? get a reality check

nickswardson 0

You realize almost all of these fmls are fake, right?

Number1Wiener 5

So everyone with depression is completely unattractive and basically a loser? I have depression yet I haven't had any one I ever dated dump me specifically for that reason, not every woman thinks like you so don't act like what you said applies to most women, just superficial ones that expect to be with sports stars or geniuses

Although they try, a 'Fleshlight' is nothing like having sex with a real woman.

tismylife09 0

all i can say is you're the biggest loser i've read about so far. I wish i had invested in the company that makes fleshlites, as i'm sure their's more losers out their like you that would buy them. Stop smoking pot, get a job, get a savings account, and start running. #9 was right. start doing something about it.

"fleshlite" and "their's more losers" Should be "fleshlight" and "there's more losers" also, have you ever heard of capitalization?

GRAMMAR NAZI!!! Jk, I just want to feel important T~T

StarfleetAcademy 0

I'm sure you meant "there are more losers". "Losers" is plural. If you're going to be a grammar Nazi, please do it correctly.

klovemachine 24

I'm a loser too :-D how ironic

Just like all women who own a vibrator are losers, too, right?

snowhawk22 0

you sound like my friend. only he has a job, but everything else is exactly the same.