By IronSkye - 29/08/2013 10:55 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my little sister opened a lemonade stand in front of our house. Surprisingly, she actually had a lot of customers, all kids. Two hours or so later, some parents came back complaining and threatening to sue my family. Turns out that what we thought was lemonade was actually beer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 547
You deserved it 6 929

IronSkye tells us more.

IronSkye 7

Okay, I'm glad this FML got published. Thanks, guys! However, looks like I have some questions to answer. Firstly, my sister is almost eleven. The day before, we went shopping, and dad bought foir bottles of beer for a game he was going to watch in two days with his friends. My sister took the bottles and put the beer in cups, it totally looked like lemonade. She even put some lemons next to them! Yes, it was light beer, fortunately. But still alcohol. The kids told their mums the juice tasted funny, so they took a sip and figured out what it actually was. In the end, my sister's excuse was that she knew lemonade wouldn't have been successful anyway.

Top comments

Pwn17 25

Damn, your sister is a genius. An evil genius.

MissWhitneyB 17

A hustler in training & a genuis, I like :D. What kid would think to place lemons next to it as well!


HalseyZ 7

Your little sister has just started her black market career making billions. Wish her luck for me

That doesn't seem like it'd be too easy of a mistake to make...

Barriaultcory 16

So how did you not notice she wasn't mixing lemonade?

Call Walter White. I think he's about to get a new partner in crime.

Makayla18_18 13

The two look nothing alike...

wildhorseman 32

Better watch what she sells from now on.

wildhorseman 32

Reading this, I just saw this image in my mind of an angry mob of farmers showing up on your doorstep in overalls, holding pitchforks and lanterns... I think I need to stop watching tv for a bit.

Sathane 21

I hope it was more than 25 cents a glass.