By NoseInPain - 20/08/2009 14:17 - United States

Today, my little sister thought it'd be cool to pierce my nose while I was asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 482
You deserved it 3 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did she manage that!? How can you essentially be stabbed in your sleep and not defend yourself before she makes a complete piercing? However, nose piercings are hot.

Sorry, I just laughed my ass off! I'm guessing the OP did wake up, but having already been stabbed probably couldn't do much about it?


I LOVE #14! such a true statement... too bad i didn't think of it when my little sister was born...

annamg 0

What's up with all the morons saying "omg fake, you can't sleep through that." The OP never said she slept through it. She probably woke up right as her sister was piercing it.

If the piercing is infected, then totally FYL. If not, then the hole will close itself up in a few days. No big deal. Still a bitch of a sister, though.

inspireme48 0

Take her for a walk and throw a French fry into the street when a trucks coming. That'll solve ur problem!!!!

ellaselim 0

So? The hole closes really quickly. I mean, I guess it sucks that you woke up to that, but this really isn't that big of a deal.

hellochelsey 0

Wow some of you guys have really dumb ideas about siblings. Yeah let's just go kill your little sister. Good idea.

uhm, they were most likely being sarcastic

mndz_mkl 0

Well, she does know it's cool. Lol. -high fives sister-