By NoseInPain - 20/08/2009 14:17 - United States

Today, my little sister thought it'd be cool to pierce my nose while I was asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 482
You deserved it 3 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did she manage that!? How can you essentially be stabbed in your sleep and not defend yourself before she makes a complete piercing? However, nose piercings are hot.

Sorry, I just laughed my ass off! I'm guessing the OP did wake up, but having already been stabbed probably couldn't do much about it?


Is every 2 out of 3 posters on here a drama queen teen? They're all like, "I know, right?". Just believing anything that's posted and then trying to one-up the BS! I agree with TR_Wolf.....shenanigans!

It would also be cool for you to shave her head while she's asleep.

TarasTrouble 0
loveyahun 0

Nose peircings are hot, kick ass, and turn-ons. Stop botching

why is this fml? some nose piercings r hot

terriibabiiix23 0

did she pierce it correctly ? lol, how old is your sister ? haha.

she had to be passed out from some type of substance or drunk.and I have 6 piercings