By Unclicked - 01/08/2009 11:58 - Singapore

Today, my long-distance boyfriend wanted to spend time online with me. He kept quiet on Skype and went on a hundred different stupid websites, laughing by himself. Afterwards, he told me he really enjoyed our time together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 258
You deserved it 7 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you communicate that that wasn't what you had in mind? If not, YDI for not understanding this well-known difference between guys and girls. The fact that he thanked you shows the time you'd just spent "together" online was very meaningful for him—and exactly what he was looking for. Trust me, most guys can do something in the general proximity of someone else and then walk away feeling it as having been a bonding time. Go talk about it with him.

at least you spent time hearing each other breathe XD. better than some can say.


sireen 0

long distance is tough :/ might want to think twice.

AmoraLynn 6

Oh that bites, I just got Skype so I can talk with mine who is moving soon. He was showing me how to use it last night and I was first row center to the Dr. Horrible Sing Along Blog....didn't do much talking but I still enjoyed seeing him act goofy. Let him know that next time you want to chat a bit if you're on the video since you can only make one call at a time, so if he doesn't feel like chatting you can still IM and have the video free for others. Good luck! LD relationships are hard hope things work out for you!

YDI for sure. this doesn't just happen. u let it happen. at least your bf knows how to enjoy himself. you sound like a typical uptight...

What if this was one of those hundred different stupid websites? =O

poeticpunk77 0

Not to be jerk, but YDI only for sitting there the whole time and not saying anything.

beepmeep 0 is so much better

awww. :/ long distance relationships are hard. good luck with it.

As long as you both talk enough and keep in touch and visit regularly, long distance relationships are just like any other relationship. Some people even have long distance marriages sometimes due to visa complications, and since she's from Singapore, that could be one of the reasons. Apparently, she does need some good luck wishes since he didn't even pay attention to her on Skype.