By Unclicked - 01/08/2009 11:58 - Singapore

Today, my long-distance boyfriend wanted to spend time online with me. He kept quiet on Skype and went on a hundred different stupid websites, laughing by himself. Afterwards, he told me he really enjoyed our time together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 258
You deserved it 7 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you communicate that that wasn't what you had in mind? If not, YDI for not understanding this well-known difference between guys and girls. The fact that he thanked you shows the time you'd just spent "together" online was very meaningful for him—and exactly what he was looking for. Trust me, most guys can do something in the general proximity of someone else and then walk away feeling it as having been a bonding time. Go talk about it with him.

at least you spent time hearing each other breathe XD. better than some can say.


Moronic_fml 0

Yeh that's not so cool, but you coulda tried talking to him instead of just letting it bye.

Pastor_Rich 0

rebel, your an imbecile for passing this one through

this might be my girlfriend... dang...

Well I had a long relationship for 3 years. Now we live in the same city because I wanted to move there and everything is wonderful. It is hard to handle, it takes pacience and the aim to do anything to stop living far away, but it is worth it. (I'm 20 and so he is)

How long have you been in this LDR? Depending on the timeframe - I'd say suck it up. I know my boyfriend and I got to the point after roughly two, three months that we both could be online 'together' and doing our own thing - and were totally content with that because we don't need to fill every waking online moment with jabber to each other.

Oh noes, my boyfriend didn't give me his undivided attention once while were were online!!11!!! No I didn't ask for it he should have known and now... now my life is ******! Cry more. :/

PlastikSeraph 2

You're pathetic for having an online relationship!

Sigh. It's a long distance relationship, not an online relationship. Learn the difference. In any case, I don't think it's such a big deal. Me and my boyfriend spend hours in Skype webcaming, and we're often doing our own stuff and only talking when we have something to say. Just knowing he's there and being able to see each other is nice. If you want him to pay more attention to you, start a conversation, or ask him to share those funny sites with you.

I do that to my boyfriend. I will be chatting with him while also chatting with the other guys I'm having sex with. It used to bother me but I have developed ways to do it and justify it to myself. I am a piece of shit and I know it. So does every guy I have been with. They find out eventually and hate me.

Wow...and you see nothing wrong with continuing that when you know it isn't right? I don't know if I should say you are a bitch or a moron, or even both!