By wellshitthen - 21/10/2015 19:30 - United States - Westborough

Today, my long time girlfriend flew across the country to visit. My asshat roommate decided to introduce himself to her while I was in the bathroom. She left and won't answer my calls. He won't tell me what he said to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 263
You deserved it 1 760

wellshitthen tells us more.

Hey all, OP here. Surprisingly, it turned out as a happy ending! My girlfriend asked my roommate to keep me busy for a while so she could run out and grab a birthday gift that she ordered at a local store since she couldn't fly it in with her. My roommate is still an asshat for choosing to give me a heart attack as a way to keep me busy, but it could have been a lot worse.

Top comments

I wanna read a follow-up from this one !

mermaidkeels 26

Where would she go? I'm guessing she's not familiar with the area.


...Sounds like she was just looking for an excuse to bounce.

johnrdz3 24

The girlfriend FML would be " Today, i flew across the country to see my boyfriend that i haven't seen in a while. I knock on his door and some random guy answers and tells me he's my boyfriends boyfriend. FML"

Guys, guys.....what if it's something serious? Or the girlfriend had some bad news for OP, and his roommate is being a true friend by not telling him?

I highly doubt she would fly cross country just to tell him bad news she would've just called to tell him

Did you cheat on her and your roommate knew about it?

mwali02 32

This situation totally sucks. I hope you get some closure on this OP. And for your future girlfriend, I highly recommend picking her up at the airport. That way, no one will be able to interfere with your plans before you get to see each other. Good luck OP! :)

At this point, I'd most likely become violent towards my "roommate" until he told me what the Hell he said to her.

bs0092 12

If she flew cross country then she has feelings for you.. You should kick his ******* ass till he tells you what he said because relationships aren't a joke.. Plus she shouldn't be so easily persuaded by someone she dosen't know.. You should consider talking to her about that..

One reason why I don't dorm........can never trust roommates........