FML for mobile
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By Sarah - 26/01/2013 05:14 - United States

Today, my mom barged into my room at three in the morning, demanding to know where I'd been. I'd been in my room sleeping since ten o'clock. In that time she had called the police, all of my friends, and my ex-boyfriend, asking if I was with them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 298
You deserved it 2 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yoursucklives 36

wouldn't your room be the first place to look?

did you have Harry potter's invisible cloak over you?


yoursucklives 36

wouldn't your room be the first place to look?

Maybe she couldn't see OP under the sheets? But she should have checked more thoroughly anyway:')

Wouldn't both OP and her mom have cellphones? Maybe a text or simple phone call.. If her mom doesn't have a cell, I'm certain that OP does, therefore her mom could call her cell from the house line? (Assuming OP has a calling plan)

40-It may have been on silent, vibrate, or turned off.

Or just simply the fact that he was sleeping

Some people are just doesn't matter how obvious op's location was. One time, I went out for a walk (telling my mother I was doing so on the way out) and then returned 20 minutes later. I walked past her, said "hey mom" and grabbed a soda from the kitchen (that she was currently standing in) and went downstairs. Not 15 minutes later she called me on my cell asking where I was and if I'd be home in time for dinner. When I mentioned I was already home she was genuinely surprised. -_-

did you have Harry potter's invisible cloak over you?

I can't believe she wouldn't think to check your room first!

That happened once to my sister. My mom was afraid she was dead in the river behind our house. She was actually sleeping under her bed... Is that where you were sleeping?

SystemofaBlink41 27

May I ask, why the hell was she sleeping under the bed?

Dead in the river?! Hahaha your mum must've been freaking out bad then

Did your mom watch Bridge to Terabithia a few too many times?

#35, she was 4, so I have no idea why she decided to sleep there lol

When I was young, I fell out of my bed once and ended up sleeping under it.

Or you want to sleep there hoping no one would find you.

I feel for you op my mother once pulled a similar stunt

Same here. Mine tried to have me arrested for it too. Mothers are crazy, crazy things.

Otonashi_fml 5

My mum did the same ******* thing when she couldn't reach me over my mobile phone immediately. The difference: I live over 500 kilometers away from home. I think she is obsessed or something though, she once attacked me with scissors because she didn't want me to go to a friends brithday party.

I can't believe she'd call all those people and not even think about checking your room

Perhaps op was indeed sneaking about to the wee hours and this fml is part of an elaborate alibi?

I completely agree! I feel like a lot of fmls aren't true they just write them to justify it in their own heads

Maybe you are so skinny she didn't see the sheets raised up. Eat a sammich

chriisteex 10

Why the hell does everyone think being called skinny is a compliment? Maybe for those who are trying to lose weight but if you've been naturally thin your whole life and have always been called a twig and how you could "break me in half" then telling me to eat a "sammich" is not really advice of endearment.

chriisteex 10

I know this was just a light joke but people are extremely quick to comment on a skinny persons physique as if its not rude at all.

Damn it Hermione, I thought I said to stop playing around with that time turner!

Time to bring home a huge obese boyfriend who would push your mom aside and ooze into your room, letting her know when you're home.

loveashlley 6

As Ashlley said, it was referred to another FML.

The obese man pushing past the pregnant lady for the seat one. This was pradip's attempt to be funny