By Candy - 20/05/2010 12:37 - United States

Today, my mom bought me some expensive Japanese candy. I opened it, and saw that each chewy candy was wrapped in a thin, hard to peel off wrapper. After trying to get each wrapper off, I determined they were unopen-able and threw them away. I then read the box, saying the wrappers were edible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 356
You deserved it 56 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope your mom popped you in the head for throwing away that expensive candy.



The japanes have the best everything: the best music, candy, and DBZ!! freaking DBZ!!!

The japanes have the best everything: the best music, candy, and DBZ!! freaking DBZ!!!

Bahaha rice candy. Tasty stuff. Pity you threw it out.

VolleyballSMASH 1

ohhhhhh those are delicious!!!

I used to eat those a lot when I was little. My grandma is full japanese and would gave them to me! the best part is the edible paper on the outside! :]. Sorry but you totally deserved that! Those aren't even expensive btw like 2-3 bucks at the asian market..

sam_stalker 0

that stuff isn't expensive it's like $2 at any Asian market

MissSmileyFace 0

the rabbit candy? (the rabbit on the wrapper) those are soo good. =D

hahahahaha...LMFAO!! I've had candies like tht b4 but they wer frm the Phillipines:P