By Anonymous Cunt - 24/11/2012 19:38 - Netherlands - Blaricum

Today, my mom had a tantrum and screamed at me over my use of bronzer. She called me a selfish bitch and claimed that I'm somehow slowly giving myself skin cancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 016
You deserved it 17 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her she's slowly giving herself high blood pressure from freaking out about shit that's not a big deal

Because fake tan stuff has UV rays within it! That's how it works! Duh!


Your mom really is overreacting, but let's face it, I'm sure any mother wouldn't want their daughter to become like Snooki, even if you are literate and sober. Fake tans look ridiculous anyway.

strawberrywine22 30

I don't know why this has more YDI than FML. Would she rather you go outside in the sun and bake your skin to death or lay in a tanning bed? Pretty sure those are more dangerous than bronzer.

Well actually, by getting off the computer once an a while, you aren't "baking your skin to death." You're doing your self some good and getting anti oxidants as well as Vitamin c&d.

strawberrywine22 30

I don't know about you but I am rarely on the computer. I am usually on my phone in the sunshine, covered head to toe in sunblock ever since my sister was diagnosed with skin cancer caused by using a tanning bed every week for five years.

57 That's one of several possibilities I know a white girl that did it so much,she became blacker then a lot of black people I know.

What I don't get is why everyone is saying bronzer is dangerous. It is makeup. Its not dangerous

winkydog4056 16

As brain dead & annoying as mom is, at least she cares about you...I think.

I would like to know the argument on why people put "YDI".

I did it because of a misclick, and then it can't be fixed properly, I'm saddened.

Well some people are douchebags, and some are trolls. And some maybe actually believe that OP shouldn't be using bronzer, and OP's mother is correct.

usnwife 18

Because *i assume, though as crazy as the mother sounds this is possibly incorrect* if she uses enough bronzer for her mother to freak out about it it's most likely enough to look really fake and dumb. Overdoing any sort of tanning just makes you look dumb. So in a way she brought it on herself and deserved it. But her mother is still an idiot.

gmc_blossom 21

I chose "YDI." Not because I agree with OP's mother, though. I just think it's rather ridiculous of her to complain about her mother actually caring about her. Therefore, in my opinion, her life isn't ******. Although there was no reason to call OP a "selfish bitch." 0.o

winkydog4056 16

Btw: OP's user name..... Winky Dog is a **** too.