By imobesejk - 17/07/2011 00:19 - United States
Same thing different taste
By cannabis_this420 - 17/03/2009 01:42 - United States
By AintEasyBeinWheezy - 28/04/2016 18:26 - United States
By DaoOfPow - 23/05/2015 07:51 - United States - Danbury
By Anto - 03/12/2008 06:11 - France
By Anonymous - 11/04/2012 03:49 - United States - Moreland
Smoking kills
By Anonymous - 23/06/2021 12:59 - United States - Steele
By Thepunchline - 11/08/2010 09:19 - United Kingdom
Bad Luck Brian
By Hayley - 24/02/2018 19:00
You hypocrite
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States
By anonymous - 21/06/2011 23:51 - Canada
Top comments
Second hand smoke.
no way I was first
Tell her she's going crazy because of the cocaine dust everywhere.
Stay away from her?
25 Your picture reminds me of Fallout 3 for some reason. I really need to get out more...
think 24s pic is from Jericho. Shame it got canned
this would've been perfect if u were the second comment too.
she doesn't sound like a caring mother
damn... get ur mum into rehab. its the only way, as harsh as it is
I've never heard of a rehab accepting people addicted to smoking cigarettes. Smoking crack? Yes. Smoking cigarettes? No. The other addicts would probably kick their ass. I know cigarettes are very hard to quit, but you aren't going to die from quitting, like with alcohol and benzos. Or go through the horrible withdrawal of an opiate addict. Not to mention at many rehabs, the patients are basically all smoking like crazy as they are getting off the other drugs. So basically, sending a person to rehab for tobacco is not a good idea and probably not even possible in many places.
I think it's safe to assume the OP was referring to cigarettes, due to the reference to lung cancer. It's been proven that smoking ciggs is the leading cause of lung cancer and that smoking other things such as; marijuana, cocaine, or methamphetamines; does not cause nearly as much lung damage. But I could be wrong, because OP didn't clearly state what it is that their mom smokes. Good day.
you may have -20 thumbs but I thumbed you up because I completely agree with you
Hurry what's the number to nine-one-one!!
22 you're a bit stupid. you can die from second hand smoke.
With background knowledge about secondhand smoke, this FML seems to be more about how inconsiderate the mother is. She obviously doesn't care enough about OP's lungs, let alone her own, to quit smoking or prevent death by cancer for either of them. So, yes, OP's mom could be a moron, but likely not in the way that you're implying.
I work in a betting shop and before the smoking ban came in here everyone smoked in the shop. 10+ people smoking in a confined space, not nice. At least one, non-smoking, member of staff got lung cancer and two have emphysema.. That's just the ones I know of. We had air filters but they never really worked, pubs were less smoky..
Well the person smoking is inhaling through the filter then exhaling the same smoke only it will be somewhat diluted by the moisture and air in the lungs plus the air in the space it takes to travel from the smoker to the second hand smoker. So I'd assume second hand isn't as bad, but that's just a guess.
67- I love your username. xD
unfortunately she may be right
you mean fortunately?
I'm confused its bad to get cacer
no I mean unfortunately for the op... I wouldn't consider it fortunate to get lung cancer
like aids
you are a dumbass
You, my friend, are an idiot.
she's going to beat you in that race. not a real race of course, she would be out of breath
Logic at its finest.
It's called projection, meaning that she may be in an internal conflict about smoking, and she wants to continue because of her nicotine addiction, so, to ease her anxiousness, she projects her probable future health problems on OP. (Just an educated guess.) AP Psychology. Also, secondhand smoke will create lung cancer, but I don't expect OP to hang around his mom every single time she smokes.
I worry the same thing...

Second hand smoke.
she's going to beat you in that race. not a real race of course, she would be out of breath