By Anonymous Cunt - 24/11/2012 19:38 - Netherlands - Blaricum

Today, my mom had a tantrum and screamed at me over my use of bronzer. She called me a selfish bitch and claimed that I'm somehow slowly giving myself skin cancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 016
You deserved it 17 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her she's slowly giving herself high blood pressure from freaking out about shit that's not a big deal

Because fake tan stuff has UV rays within it! That's how it works! Duh!


Well........Certain bronzers do contain ingredients known to cause cancer, depending on the makers. Carcinogenic ingredients such as coal tar, methylparaben, nano titanium dioxide are found in some bronzers.

I don't wear bronzer, mainly because I'm white as snow and have freckles and it'd look really weird, but even I know that it doesn't involve actual tanning. And I don't get the obsession with fake tan. Apart from being a different colour, what does it actually do for your appearance? I've never looked at someone and thought "hey, they'd be hot if they were a few shades darker/lighter." The only problem I have with fake tan is that I've seen a lot of people turn orange. Why is orange the colour of fake tan? I've never seen anybody turn orange with a natural tan, just golden or brown. I'd still prefer to see people with fake tan/bronzer than sun-roasted skin though. I wince when I see people with sunburn. Tl;dr Hey guys, let's all just rock our natural skin colours. Use suncream, don't get sunburn. Yay.

YDI, for actually wanting to use that crap.

The_F3rris 11

Skin cancer is such a selfish thing to want. How dare you.

Actually, you're just slowly looking like the annoying orange

bizarre_ftw 21

She's a confused one Also an unstable one I suggest a padded white room with an in-depth medical lecture on how people get skin cancer running on loop on a tv placed safely behind a 3" plastic screen Or slap her Slapping works too

SwaggCapone 11

Well maybe if you keep on you can eventually look like the leather woman from New Jersey

noisebox 1

Well she's right about the cancer part!

Ergh, sounds like my mother. There will always be something to pick at. Even when you move away, and have a life - She'll find a way to infiltrate it and make you doubt yourself. Bronzer doesn't give you cancer any more than wearing boots that are 'gothic and unattractive' gets you raped. True story, apparently I'm asking for it wearing boots with buckles and a thick heel. Mother's are awesome, huh?