By Anonymous - 02/01/2010 22:27 - United States

Today, my mom informed me that my entire family puts their dirty towels on the towel rack in the bathroom instead of the hamper. I've been using their dirty towels after showers for as long as I remember. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 137
You deserved it 6 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't follow your logic, kiddo. Doesn't everybody in your household have their own towel? Or... do you expect that everybody uses a towel only once, then places it in the hamper soaking wet, and then puts a new towel on the rack? Me, I use towels for a few days before they go in the laundry, unless they're really dirty. (It would be really expensive and take up a ton of space to have a set of towels for every day of the week.) Between uses, they sit on the rack to dry. When I was a kid, each had our own bath towel, and would do the same thing. If you leave wet towels in the hamper for a few days, they're going to get moldy and gross - that's why you let them dry out, first. You're not going to die from using the same towel as a blood relative.

Shouldn't you be clean after you shower??? Its like using a dish towel to dry your dishes after you clean them.


Did you not ever grab your own fresh towels? Maybe I'm misunderstanding/don't know the way your home works, but did you expect people to place fresh towels for you your entire life? Also, you must've taken a shower after a family member at some point and realized the towel was used.

How do towels get dirty if you're using it AFTER you shower?