By Anonymous - 21/01/2014 21:30 - Iceland

Today, my mom made me go shopping with her. It was freezing out, but she didn't wear a coat, boasting that she doesn't feel the chill like I do. By the time we drove home she was whining about freezing to death, and now I'm stuck in a house whose heating is set to "inferno". FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 326
You deserved it 4 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Obviously a place a called Iceland is always cold, covered in ice and frozen. Greenland of course is just covered in vegetation as far as the eye can see.


Sounds like my idiot coworker who constantly wears shorts and often t-shirts in below-freezing temperatures (we work outdoors). He upgraded to jeans and a hoodie the day it was 1 degree Fahrenheit.

I seem to tolerate the cold better than my mother and she complains about it a lot and freaks out at me if I leave my coat unzipped when I'm walking the three feet from her car to the inside of a store, where I will unzip my coat anyway because I'll be too warm. I think she still believes I could get sick and die just from doing that. I heard older people mind the cold more, but my mom's not ancient or anything. :)

Bigfabthetruth52 22

She should know better than that.

Careful, my sister did that when she lived in Florida. Pretty soon it was colder than Alaska.

Yeah but as of right now we are in a serious drought and it's been reaching the high 70s and high 80s, and with the weather patterns, we probably won't get rain or cold weather until next winter

Tell her to take a hot bath to get her temp up and then pile on the sweats. No need to make you suffer because she's an idiot sometimes.