By poohanne - 12/01/2013 06:36 - United States - Ville Platte

Today, my mom made up a new game. She thinks it's hilarious to hide my brother's creepy Batman toy around the house to creep me out. This has been going on for hours and I still scream every time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 940
You deserved it 10 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So next time you find it - hide it from her. Simple.


titibug823 11

I think its time to turn the game back around on Mom.

Do the same to her somehow, try and find her "toys" and hide them around the house if ya know whata mean, she wont get scared but your dad will get a good supprise haha

Wow Op, your Mom is quite the Joker. But seriously, the next time Batman is in your face, don't bat an eye. Bat it away, with a bat if you have to.

Does it say "BECAUSE I'M BATMAN" after you scream?

I could imagine you hiding from it and when lighting strikes the batman's behind you.

I find it weird how you could scream several times for one single thing, but sure. What I would've done is to take the toy and whack it over her head to teach her a lesson.

onorexveritas 23
KM96 24

On the windowsill one minute and on the kitchen sink the next. Who needs surveillance cameras when you have batman?