By thanksmom - 30/04/2011 01:00 - United States

Today, my mom paid $40 for overnight shipping on delivery of paint for my Art major dropout sister, but insists on making me wait two weeks for my diabetes medication. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 983
You deserved it 3 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hdemonking 0

Fake a hypoglycemic coma. I know I would.


troll be trollin, and crossing a line >_> even tho he's a troll I want to steal his pancreas, the irony and bloodloss should kill him

Blacksmokehick 0

wow.. I guess she won't win mom of the year award!

She's a bitch. Cut all her clothes up. Hahaha.

Sounds like OP's sister is one crafty bitch.

any way you can get the prescription transferred to your local pharmacy?

oblio 0

Come on, OP, tell us the whole story. You probably just forgot to tell your mom your meds were running low, and you're mad she's mad at you. When I order meds in the mail it takes a couple days, not two weeks, so relax and have a candy bar or a nice bowl of jelly beans.

that sucks op. you'd think that any responsible parent would put priority on diabetes meds over paint.... fyl

I'm also a diabetic and had a similar situation. I had an appointment with my doctor a week later, but I was running low and called my doctor to ask for another prescription. The wonderful doctor he is, refused to refill my prescription. I must have called them 20 times a day with no luck. Finally after office hours, I called his cell and left a voicemail stating that he is a horrible doctor and person in general. Of course he was too scared to talk to me, he had someone else call me back and finally she got him to refill it.

FlonkertonChamp 6

@BlueOysterCult87, you should report your doctor to the state medical board

#157 - Yeah I've had similar problems! I've ordered diabetes medication 2 weeks in advance before (before going abroad for like a month) and when collecting it been told that they've ran out - come back in 2 days. The fact that I was leaving in two days made no difference to their answer so I ended up having to order emergency prescriptions for different brands of medication than I was used to. I ended up having to go through 3 different surgeries, 3 pharmacies and an hour service, and was yelled at for being "unorganised" and was chided like it was somehow my fault... So glad I'm not the only one. It's horrible - it's so stressful knowing that just waiting and putting up with it or waiting a few days isn't an option.