By Butter_Cup - 28/12/2009 21:39 - United States

Today, my mom sold the car I've been working on for the last few years for 100 dollars. To buy gas for her car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 812
You deserved it 2 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd say there would be some poetic justice if you were to siphon her gas.

Fake, unless you are dumb enough to not sign the pink slip. If that's the case, YDI big time.


FunnyBunny1632 0

i have a friend genna and she is like 11 and she would do something like that

you should sell something of hers and said I sold it for a car :p

princess860 0

why are you so dumb?...why in the world would you have YOUR car in your mother's or anyone else's name? deserved it for being so stupid...

Mrninjaturtle 0

@ 57Ndanick1193 dude u don't know how old the person is bitch and if he was workin on it for 3 years it had to be expensive sadistic hoe

*** her, how about she get her own gas money, now u don't have a car an ur 3 years are lost

DllnBro 0

what a bitch. how is she gonna sell a car ur restoring. wat kind of car was it?

lovelessgirl 7

what a bitch, if I were u I'd make her buy it back for you, and pay for gas in it for a month, then during the month she's paying take a road trip.

How come she had the title to be able to sell it?

terranada 3

that bitch!! she should've at least sold it for more money!!! steal her car and sell it!! >:D

DarkWind7 0

i say steal her car take to like in the middle the woods if there is still gas take it out, burn the battery, and leave it there. go back home in a friend's car and when your mom asks where her car is say "find it on your own bitch!"